Baton Rouge, LA – Last fall, voters across the state elected the most conservative Louisiana Senate in our history. Yesterday, Senate Republicans made their leadership choices to guide the chamber for the next four years. They were ultimately joined by their Democratic colleagues, who voted to support their choices.
The Louisiana Senate elected Senator Page Cortez to serve as Senate President, and promptly made history by surrounding him with an inspiring group of female leaders.
Senator Beth Mizell was selected as Senate President Pro-Tempore, making her the first female Republican legislator in Louisiana history to hold that position. The Republican Caucus also elected its first female Senate Majority Leader, Sharon Hewitt.
“This is more than just women getting elected to the Senate, this is about women being chosen by their peers to lead in the Senate,” said Hewitt. “Everybody has a seat at the table, and it is going to take all of us working together to get Louisiana growing again,” she added.
The Senate has also selected Mrs. Yolanda Dixon to serve as Secretary of the Senate. In addition to being the first female to serve as Secretary, Mrs. Dixon is also the first African-American to hold this position.
“We look forward to working with this Senate leadership team to protect taxpayers, while making Louisiana work again,” said LAGOP Executive Director Andrew Bautsch.