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  • Writer's pictureLAGOP


(Baton Rouge, LA) This was a great weekend for the Republican Party of Louisiana (LAGOP), as members of the Republican State Central Committee, the governing body of the party, gathered together in Baton Rouge to elect new officers. The room was full of excitement and energy, and the meeting was conducted in an orderly and efficient manner.

Louis Gurvich of New Orleans was elected Chairman from a field of four candidates. Beryl Amedee of Terrebonne Parish was re-elected without opposition as Vice Chair. Michael Bayham of St. Bernard Parish was elected as Secretary from a field of two candidates. Dexter Duhon of Vermillion Parish was re-elected without opposition as Treasurer.

“This truly is an important day for the LAGOP. We’ve elected several new officers and forged a renewed commitment from our members to work to expand the party and elect more and more Republicans to office. But it is also a poignant day for us as we close a profoundly important fourteen year chapter in our party’s history, the record term of Roger Villere, to whom we owe so much,” said newly elected Chairman Louis Gurvich.

Gurvich has been a longtime leader in the LAGOP and has formerly served as the party’s Secretary, a Deputy Chairman, Chairman of the Candidate Recruitment Committee, Chair of the Party Registration Committee, and Sergeant-at-Arms. He is a lifelong resident of New Orleans, an attorney, and CEO of a contract security company.

“Louisiana’s Republican State Central Committee members have recognized his long service and selfless dedication and that is why he was elected Chairman,” said Villere.

“With Republicans controlling the national agenda, we have an incredible opportunity for Louisiana Republicans to take our message to communities all over the state so that we can expand our party. Nationally, the Democrats lack solutions and seem solely focused on resistance to every Republican initiative, even when our bills promote a stronger economy, create more and better jobs, and lower taxes for almost everyone. At the state level the Democrats seem to have no answers other than higher taxes, which make our state less competitive. This is the reason that Louisiana’s economy is growing more slowly than our neighbors and why we are losing population. Higher taxes just make the situation worse,” said Gurvich.

The responsibilities of the Chairman of the LAGOP include raising money for the party, recruiting candidates to run for office, chairing meetings, appointing committee members and unelected officers, serving as the party spokesman and serving as the state party’s liaison with the Republican National Committee. Chairmen are elected for two-year terms.


Originally published 3/5/18

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