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The LAGOP Endorses Representatives Scalise, Graves, Higgins, and Johnson for Re-election


July 23rd, 2020

Baton Rouge, LA- The Republican Party of Louisiana is excited to announce its official endorsements of Representatives Steve Scalise, Garret Graves, Clay Higgins, and Mike Johnson, in their respective reelection bids. These endorsements were approved by a unanimous vote of the LAGOP Executive Committee.

During their time in office, all four Congressmen have distinguished themselves as reliably conservative voices for a strong America. Rep. Graves has made tremendous progress in rebuilding Louisiana's coastline, funding flood mitigation projects, and cutting taxes for small businesses and middle-class Americans. Rep. Higgins has protected oil and gas jobs, secured our border, and obtained more than $420 million for dredging and flood mitigation projects in LA-03.

Rep. Johnson has used his two terms in office to cut taxes, and burdensome regulations defended our active-duty military and brought tens of millions of federal dollars back into his district. He now chairs the influential Republican Study Committee. Finally, Rep. Scalise has been a staunch defender of our pro-life values, an ally of President Trump, a senior Congressional leader as Republican Whip, and the RESTORE Act's lead sponsor; the single most substantial investment in rebuilding our state's coast.

"The Republican Party of Louisiana is proud to have these accomplished public servants representing our state at the federal level," stated LAGOP Chairman Louis Gurvich. "Our Republican representatives have fought hard for conservative values since their election to the House. We must re-elect them so they can continue advocating for Louisiana and support President Trump. Let's KEEP AMERICA GREAT!"

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