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LAGOP Announces Rescheduling of the 2020 Congressional Caucuses and State Party Convention

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 27th, 2019 (Baton Rouge, LA) Amid the ongoing pandemic of the coronavirus COVID-19, the LAGOP has updated its previous decision to postpone the March 28th Congressional District Caucuses and the April 18th State Party Convention. Out of an abundance of caution, the LAGOP Executive Committee voted unanimously to reschedule the Congressional District Caucuses for June 6th and the Louisiana Republican State Party Convention for June 13th. This decision was taken to protect LAGOP staff, volunteers, and party members, and to support efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19. “Our country’s doctors, nurses, and hospitals are relying on the public’s cooperation to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus. So we felt that it was in everyone’s best interest to reschedule the caucuses and the state convention. We understand the uncertainty caused by the delays, but hopefully, the situation will be much improved by June. If the situation isn’t much improved by then, we could still arrange to conduct the meetings via teleconference if necessary. We very much want to play our part in helping Louisiana return to normalcy as quickly as possible,” commented LAGOP Chairman Louis Gurvich.

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