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NEW POLL: Democrat Disaster Brewing for Governor John Bel Edwards

42% of all Louisiana Democrats and 64% of Louisiana Democrats under 35 want a new Democratic candidate for Governor

(Baton Rouge, LA) – This week, We Ask America, a nationally recognized polling firm, released the fourth in a series of statewide public opinion polls from across the country.

According to the findings of their poll of Louisiana Democrats conducted between June 5th and 6th, Governor Edwards has a lot of work to do to shore up his Democratic base.

The poll finds that 42% of Democrats want to see Edwards get a Democratic primary challenger in the race, a troubling number for any incumbent that rises to a shocking 64% among younger voters. Another troubling sign for Edwards in the We Ask America poll is his lack of support and enthusiasm among young voters.

In addition to 64% support for a primary challenge, just 57% of voters aged 18-35 indicate they are “Certain” to vote in October. These younger Democrats will be crucial for Edwards if he hopes to build a local campaign organization, and his path to victory gets extremely difficult if these voters do not turn out to vote.

It has been a rough few weeks for Louisiana’s Democratic Governor as he found himself in the crosshairs of several Democratic Presidential candidates and even the head of the Louisiana Democrats expressed disgust with her candidate for Governor.

With Louisiana Democratic Party leaders openly criticizing him and a plurality of Democratic voters either supportive of a primary challenge or undecided, John Bel Edwards is becoming more vulnerable by the day.


Contact: jason@lagop.com

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