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Writer's pictureLAGOP

NO COLLUSION. NO OBSTRUCTION. Republican leaders react to Mueller Report.

(Baton Rouge, LA) – Earlier today Attorney General William Barr released the findings of the Mueller Report. The Mueller Report found no collusion and no obstruction.

"This is a complete and total vindication of President Trump. It is increasingly clear that the only scandal here is the Obama administration’s repeated failure to act against Russian cyber meddling. Instead, they prioritized spying on a political opponent – the Trump campaign – and used a phony DNC-funded dossier as justification.” said RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

After 121 Interviews/Testimonies, 53 Document Requests, and 28 hearings, the Mueller investigation cost American taxpayers $35 million over the past two years.

“Liberal leaders across the country have spent the past two years tearing our nation apart with their collusion conspiracy theories; prioritizing political points over the people they are supposed to be serving. From Nancy Pelosi to Adam Schiff to Karen Carter Peterson, Democratic Party leaders must stop chasing their tail and start working with President Trump to keep America great,” said LAGOP Executive Director, Andrew Bautsch.


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