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The Top ten ways you can ensure A TRUMP VICTORY IN Louisiana
Please fill out the following information:
Please indicate how you would like to volunteer with the LAGOP?

Top Ten Ways:

Run for office or recruit a 


Are you interested in running for office? Do you know someone who would be a great candidate? Let us help you through the process.


become a TRUMP poll watcher or paid poll commissioner

Why complain about how elections are run when you can run the election? Help make our elections secure by volunteering to be a poll watcher or a paid poll commissioner.


Walk door to door

Knock on doors in your area to remind people of the importance of this year’s election.


phone bank

Call & text voters to identify people who support our Republican candidates and help us to get out the vote on Election Day. 


make a donation

Contribute to the Republican Party of Louisiana.


put up signs

Help us place campaign signs in yards of people who have requested a sign.


help us to find sign locations

Help us to find strategic locations to wave or place campaign signs.


wave signs

Wave and hold campaign signs on and just before Election Day.


Register Voters

Engage in voter registration efforts.





Thanks for submitting! Someone from the LAGOP Team will be reaching out to you shortly. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please email info@lagop.com

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